That's why I put on my list #84: Buy a Christmas present for someone in need from the tree at our gym. Our gym puts up a Christmas tree each year and decorates it with cut-out paper ornaments with the ages of boys or girls on them. We can take an ornament, or two, or three, or however many you want, and buy a present that would go with the age and gender on it and then bring in your present and put it under the tree. Usually there's so many presents that they start taking over the spaces by the workout machines! I have to admit that I've been working out at my gym for about 4 years and have never taken the time to get an ornament before. So I made sure to get one right away this year.
I grabbed one that said 'girl, 6 years old'. That seemed like a pretty easy age to buy for. Not having kids--I have no idea at what age kids play with certain toys. But 6 seemed a little easier than the rest.
I went out and was looking at some toys and other things, and then I saw it. One of my favorite games when I was little (If only I could find a Head-to-Head Perfection game--I would've gotten that instead). The game of MEMORY. But of course this one was way cooler than the memory game I had when I was little. This one was 'Dora the Explorer' edition. I think around 6 years old is when I started playing that game. I even also bought the 'Go Diego Go' edition as well because I loved them so much, and I'll go find an ornament for a little boy to give that one too.
I hope these gifts are enjoyed by whomever receives them!
And because I'm super busy in the upcoming weeks, and this may very well be my one and only blog this month, Josh and I wish you a Merry Christmas!! We just put up our Christmas tree, so I was excited to take this picture. :-)