I'm 38 weeks now! Crazyyyyy. I'm mostly uncomfortable. And feel huge. But all in all, I'd say for this far along in pregnancy, things are going well.
And really, I only have ONE WEEK left. Or less. But I doubt I'll be going into labor anytime in the next week. I'd love to have this baby before the weekend, since I am scheduled to work this weekend. It is getting really hard to be on my feet for a 12 hour shift at work. But those are my last two days, and then I have 12 weeks off, so I might as well suck it up and do it. :)
So, why only one more week left, you may ask!? Well, because babies are weird. At least my baby is. But she probably takes after me. I mean, why would any baby want to be stuck in this position for the last many months!?
Seems pretty uncomfortable if you ask me. She's probably been kicking herself in the head for a while now. Before you ask, I've been through the options of baby flipping and all that fun stuff. In the end, it turns out I was not a good candidate for the External Version due to my anterior placenta, the fact that it's my first pregnancy, and the fact that this baby had apparently already dropped at that point. (I was not sold on the external version anyway) And I was not interested in doing anything "weird" (by my standards) to get her to flip. If she's been content in that position for so long, then who am I to mess with it?!
Therefore, I will be having a c-section A WEEK FROM TODAY. Unless, she miraculously decides to flip herself in the next week. Or I go into labor before that.
Just not tomorrow. Because tomorrow's my 30th birthday, and while I'm not a person to make a big deal out of my birthday, it would be nice to keep that day for myself. :) And since you're asking, all I really want for my birthday this year is to be able to sleep comfortably for one night, and a nice big red freezee drink from Speedway. Yummmmm.
And here is most likely my LAST baby bump picture!
I still take pictures!
15 years ago