Friday, July 24, 2009

My complaint for the day

This has nothing to do with my list, but I'm feeling very annoyed right now, so I thought I'd take the time to complain about it here, where probably no one cares but it makes me feel better anyway. I did just listen to one of those motivational speaker-life is awesome-people for a work event last week. And he did say something that I thought long and hard about before deciding to write my complaint in a blog. He said something along the lines (I can't remember the exact wording) that you shouldn't complain to other people because 80% of the people you're complaining to don't care, and the other 20% are happy that their life is better than yours. :-) Which I think is true. Sometimes when people complain to me, I can't help but think that I am soooo happy that I'm not going through that, or that didn't happen to me, etc. But obviously I didn't take all that much away from the motivational speaker, because I'm still going to complain about this:

Contacting your health insurance is probably the most annoying/troublesome/frustrating thing ever. Maybe not EVER, but pretty close to ever. All I wanted to do this morning was call my health insurance provider to make sure I did not need a referral to see a specialist doctor. I called the 800 number, and got an automated "person" at first. Which I expected. But here's what I don't understand--how in the world do they think it's better to have me 'say' my ID number and, and my name, and my date of birth, and everything else they want to know about me into the phone, so this automated "person" can try and decipher what I"m saying to transfer me to the right person. Personally, I think it'd be 100x more efficient to simply have to TYPE my ID number and date of birth and whatever information into the phone than try and say it in a way this automated system would understand. After 5, yes 5, tries, I finally got them to understand my birthdate. And after about 15 minutes of 'saying' everything they needed to know, I was transferred to an actual person, who just asked me these quetions again. Frustrating.

Anyway, now after all this has happened, I'm left wondering if I had just typed a zero into the phone right away, would I have just been trasferred to an actual person right away? No one answer that for me, because if that is true, I will probably become annoyed all over again. :-)

That is my complaint for the day. You can all go ahead now not caring or knowing that your life was better than mine for a half hour this morning. :)

1 comment:

  1. i have definitely been there. i do always hit 0 as many times as necessary to get to a live human being though.. best for my sanity and the poor customer service rep on the other end that has to take my call if i have to keep repeating myself. :)

    i care, michelle. i care. :)
