Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's amazing...I can see!

I found my old glasses today. I haven't worn them in probably about 6 or 7 years or so. I got them around the time of my freshman or sophomore year in college. I wore them for a while, but eventually stopped. The thing is that I don't remember them making that much of a difference. Well, I put them on today for fun, and OH MY GOSH. Everything was soooo much more clear! It was crazy. I don't remember that happening when I first got them. Maybe this means my eyes have gotten worse in the last 6 or 7 years. I'm not sure if I've even been to the eye doctor since I first got the glasses. Eye doctors scare me. I hate eyes and anything to do with the eyes, so I tend to stay away. But now, I suppose I'm going to have to go back. Which would complete #78: Go to the eye doctor again. I was secretly hoping that was going to be one item I didn't complete. But it was amazing how much clearer everything was with the glasses. I can't go back to normal now. I just need cooler frames. I think mine are a little outdated. That's what Josh says anyway.

Here is me without glasses (I feel this picture makes my face look kind of blotchy--it's not really like that!)

And here's me with the glasses.

I'm thinking of getting some glasses with the wider frames when I get some. Let me know what you think.


  1. I hate feet and anyone touching my feet - and yesterday I went to the doctor and had my toenail yanked out without any anesthetic - so if i can do that, you can go to the eye doctor! Being able to see is worth it!

  2. You're so cute with or without the glasses, I hope you get some stylish frames that compliment your face. But I definitely think that getting your eyes checked is important, come now - how are you supposed to watch your boys play baseball? lol ;-)

  3. oooh I sooo remember when I met you and you had those glasses! There are so many frames around these days. I just got new glasses, and they look about the same as my last ones, but I took like three hours to find them! Good Luck :)
