Friday, April 3, 2009

A gummy vitamin experience

So I went to Target last night in need of vitamins. Who knew there were so many different kinds of gummy ones available now! I was in the aisle for probably a good 20 minutes checking them all out. They DO have adult gummy multi-vitamins. However, they are missing the one thing that I like about my women's multi-vitamin. And that's iron. I don't eat that much meat, so iron is essential for me in a vitamin. So, I was a little disappointed and thus, could not get the gummy multi-vitamin.

But don't worry, there was still a gummy vitamin there that was actually something I needed! And that is CALCIUM. I was so excited about this, that I opened the bottle immediately when I got into my car and ate one. And I was pleasantly surprised. I have heard mixed reviews on the gummy vitamins--some people like them, some don't--so I didn't quite know what to expect; but I didn't set my expectations too high. While they did not taste exactly like a piece of candy, they were pretty darn good for a vitamin. I even looked forward to eating another one when I woke up this morning! And my strong bones will thank me for it.

Here's what the bottle looks like, and if you look closely, you'll see that I put an actual vitamin on top of the bottle. Yesssss, these are the kids gummy vitamins, which is why they are shaped like bears. They did have the adult version, but they were not shaped like an animal--which is a selling point for me. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know they had gummy vitamins. Thanks for the info.
