Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wow, flossing really does work

I flossed this morning. So that means I'm half way done with #79 for the week. I will admit that my motivation behind flossing wasn't because I felt like I should floss because it's healthy for my teeth and gums. Nope. My motivation was because I had a popcorn kernel stuck in between a tooth and my gums from when I ate popcorn yesterday. And it was REALLY bothering me. So much so, that I actually had to bring myself to floss. And guess what!? It worked! It got the kernel out. But then I thought, why stop here? I mean, I have all of this floss out, I might as well do the rest of my teeth. So I kept going. I even flossed in between the teeth that are so close together, that it makes the floss hard to get through. And you would not believe what this floss came out with! (I won't go into detail on this, as that would be gross) So I am possibly becoming a believer of flossing. It really does get stuff out at the toothbrush misses. I may even try this again tomorrow.

In other news related to this list...I've taken my vitamin every morning so far. And I've been to the gym twice this week. Woo.

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